Saturday, July 29, 2017

Understanding the Meaning and the Characteristic of Science

BiologyRead - Science comes from the Latin word scientia which means knowledge.

Science refers to the system for gaining knowledge through observation and research as well as various scientific fields that make sense.

The field of science is usually divided into two, namely the science of natural science and social science.

image : ThingLink

Science has several characteristics. Here are the characteristics of science:
1.        Rational, meaning that science is the result of logical thinking activities by using reason (ratio) which results are acceptable to human reason. Science is not a superstition or a fictional story.
2.        Objective, it means that science is the truth as it is because it is based on data and without the influence of opinion or personal (subjective).
3.        Empiric, science can be proven by observation, and research or experiment.
4.        Accumulative, science can be formed on the basis of the old theory that is added, improved, or refined so that the longer of the time, make it better.

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