Saturday, July 29, 2017

Means and 26 Branches of Biology

BiologyRead - Science comes from the Latin word scientia which means knowledge.

Science refers to the system for gaining knowledge through observation and research as well as various scientific fields that make sense.

The field of science is usually divided into two, namely the science of natural science and social science.

As in the previous article, biology is a branch of science. Biology comes from the word bios which means life, and logos which means science. Thus, biology is the study of living things (organisms), both macroscopic and microscopic.

Macroscopic organisms are organisms that can be seen with the eyes directly, such as higher plants, animals, and humans. Microscopic organisms are organisms that can not be seen with the eyes directly.

To see microscopic organisms, we need aids, such as a light microscope, a loop, or an electron microscope. Examples of microscopic organisms are bacteria, Protista, as well as several types of fungi and algae.

Biology emerges and evolves through observations and experiments on organisms that once existed or lived on earth.

From time to time, biological observations and experiments continue to be accompanied by the invention of modern equipment so that the objects of biological studies are more numerous and varied. Therefore, biology is divided into several branches of biology.

The number of branches of biology more and more along with the emergence of new discoveries. The types of biology are : 

  1. Anatomy, studying the structure of the body parts of living things.
  2. Anesthesia, studying anesthesia or pain relief associated with surgery or surgery.
  3. Bacteriology, studying the science of bacteria.
  4. Biotechnology, studying techniques of utilizing organisms to produce a product is beneficial to humans.
  5. Botany, studying various plants.
  6. Ecology, studying living things with each other and with their environment.
  7. Embryology, studying the growth and development of embryos.
  8. Entomology, studying insects
  9. Ethology, studying the behavior of living things.
  10. Evolution, studying the origin of living things and the many changes that occur slowly on earth.
  11. Physiology, studying the functions of the bodily devices of living beings.
  12. Genetics, learning how to decrease the nature of living things to its derivatives
  13. Hygiene, studying various human endeavors for healthy living.
  14. Histology, studying body tissues.
  15. Immunology, studying the immune system.
  16. Mycology, studying the fungi  
  17. Microbiology, studying small organisms that can not be seen with the eyes directly.
  18. Morphology, studying the shape and structure of living things.
  19. Ornithology, studying aves (birds).
  20. Paleontology, studying the life of animals and ancient plants that have become fossils.
  21. Pathology, studying the parasitic organisms causing pathogenic diseases (diseases of the host).
  22. Phylogeny, studying the relationship between groups of organisms based on its evolutionary process.
  23. Taxonomy, studying the naming and grouping of living things based on similarities and differences in characteristics.
  24. Teralogi, studying abnormalities or embryo defects in the womb.
  25. Virology, studying viruses
  26. Zoology, studying various animals.

These biological branches are needed in solving cases or problems in human life. In dealing with certain problems required the cooperation of experts who master a particular field of science. For example in case of bird flu.

To handle the case of avian flu is needed some of the biological sciences, namely pathology, virology, ornithology, hygiene, ethology, ecology, pharmacy, anatomy, and physiology.

Other examples of hospital surgery require anatomy, physiology, anesthesia, histology, and pharmacy.

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